K Mo 33

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Want to stop other people going there

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Original review updated Jun 11, 2024

TCI and Sharon Pearson are manipulators, and Sharon is a narcissist. I feel so foolish for being sucked in initially and hope to deter others from doing the same.

There are better, accredited and cheaper courses around.

Sharon and others enjoyed humiliating people in public. She thought she was better than everyone and said her info was original when it just wasn't. I think the term charlatan would be appropriate.

I was there around 2014. I got a notice recently saying I owed them $250!

A company that size should be writing that amount off - it's very poor business practices to be sending it nearly 10 years later! I also don't think I owe them the money; I would have paid it.

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  • Rip off and they humiliate people in public and in private

Preferred solution: I just want to tell people to not go there.

User's recommendation: Steer clear of TCI

Robert L Ufi

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Brisbane, Queensland

You will be thousands in debt with no real qualifications!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
The Coaching Institute - You will be thousands in debt with no real qualifications!
Original review updated May 28, 2024

It makes me feel sick when I think of the elderly woman who was on a zoom call, telling us she was $6,000 in debt and her daughter had to pay for her credit card debt from the weekly coaching course fees. The trainer had no answer and said you will find a way.

I saw many students getting pressured into signing up to extra courses that were an extra $5,000 or more on top of the already expensive weekly fee.

If you didn't sign up to the many extra trainings and courses you were made to feel like you wouldn't succeed.

The Meta Dynamics model is just a copy of NLP, "I copied the GROW model (NLP) and made it the DARE model (TCI trademarked model)".

I heard on a training call, how is that allowed I thought?

It's a true money-making scheme not about education or the students learning at all.

Do you research on 'The Coaching Institute' and 'The International Coaching Institute' new and old names. You will have no real qualifications only the ones they made up which mean nothing on your resume.

Research ICF accreditation which will get you coaching qualifications, not the ICG that they made up themselves, which is not accredited.

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User's recommendation: Look for courses that are ICF not the ICG (that TCI made up so they look real)

1 comment

Everything you've written is 100% true, particularly in relation to qualifications. TCI started off as a provider of NLP courses and was a registered training organisation.

However, they consistently failed to meet the requirements to remain a RTO because their students were never finishing the courses because Sharon Pearson (or Remi or any other name she's used in the past) didn't want to follow the structure (and I'm not making this up as she spoke freely on this in one of the module recordings). I got fed up of taking time off work to attend week long courses only to have large swaths of time taken up by them marketing additional programs. I got sick of talking to people about the business side of things who knew nothing about business (I've got 2 masters degrees in business) so asked for a refund of the fees associated with service. For 12 months I chased via email and phone to get my $10k back and it was impossible due to staff turnover.

Worst of all, there are a bunch of students from TCI out there spruking themselves using the same model to rip people off.

And the story that Sharon tells to such you in - thst she had no money blah blah blah - is very far from the truth because if you do your research you'll see that at 23 she had a marketing company with multimillion turnover and if you read an online article from 2016 from SBS you'll see that she's also gone by other names. Sharon Pearson may call herself an entrepreneur but in reality all she does is pray on people's insecurities.

Linah J

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| map-marker Melbourne, Victoria

I need people to save their hard earned money and walk away !!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

They are scams in every sense you can imagine

They are not accredited in anything

They charge tens of thousands of dollars for rubbish content and they won't even deliver on this rubbish

Please please think 20 times before signing up to this particular school above any other school!!!

The owner is a pure manipulative narcisst

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  • Learning about business tactics
  • Everything else

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Joe Pane program who used to work for this company

map-marker Sydney, New South Wales

Very negative experience

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

When you are feeling alone, this company are all encompassing as they reel you in with nlp marketing strategies and promises. From the start I told them I was broke, couldnt make mortgage, on a disability pension, before I knew I was in deep.

I kept telling them im broke, they promised i would have clients within 3 months hang in there.

that didnt happen i said i hadnt touched much of the course as it not right i cant pay, they kept delaying payment and telling me i can do this, before i knew it i was well out of withdraw time, they then started taking 175 a week, this was almost half my pension. I havent touched the course for 7 months, i am now homeless, sick and distressed, these guys are strategic clever, and get real nasty when you dont comply.

i told them it was my food money, they ignored me and kept doing it.

I dont want anything to do with them

what company in their right mind tangles vulnerable people with no money up into 25k courses gives them the whole 3 yrs worth of material when they can't pay, I told them its to much, overwhelming I dont want it,

I have talked to so many others going through the same yet they tell you that you are an isolated incident making you feel at fault

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map-marker Melbourne, Victoria

TCI's service not congruent with their teaching

TCI over promises and under delivers! Follow up calls and cards with chocolates enclosed are frequently delivered during the initial sign up period. This then stops quite abruptly.

Much of the course content is plagiarised. Complete tests can be found freely on the internet.

Backend products (sold at in-house training) are horrifically over-priced. A complete set of products from the world's no 1 performance coach can be purchased for less than the cost of 1 of TCI's products.

Communication between the so called 'WOW' team and the accounts department appears to not exist - you can talk to a member of the WOW team one day and two days letter receive notification from the accounts department that you have not contacted them.

Their Facebook sight is strictly monitored and any derogative comments are hastily removed.

I undertook this course at the same time as studying an on-line coaching program. The online program, which was less than a third of the cost of TCI's program, was much more comprehensive, offered more support and had none of the backend sales included.

I urge anyone interested in becoming a life coach to look beyond TCI for training.

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Duanne Iqb

Where did you do your other training?


I encourage all of you to leave google reviews for TCI (on TCI google ratings). Then others too will get this information and would hopefully not fall into their trap and suffer.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1934982

Thank you!! I'm going through a rough patch at the moment and in a vulnerable state, then received one of their persistent emails.

Curious - I thought I'd look deeper into reviews on them and it turns out they're exactly what I assumed.

I think it's absolutely disgusting and disturbing that false organisations like this are allowed to practice. @@@


Thank you. Saved me

Khyla Aov

We need do something to stop this avoid more people become victims. I notice TCI has been using this scam and brain washing for many years to rip off money.

I admit I didn’t do lots of research before I enroll. Not many people have cool head to see clear of their cult character.

It is hopeless to hear this company would revenge on previous students with influence on government and other big company. The company is a shame and disgrace of Australia educational system.

Khyla Aov

We need organize all the student here to take an action. This company is totally against ethics .

Braydon Hhh
reply icon Replying to comment of Khyla Aov

I agree, what do you propose?


Total scam. One of the brain washed recruits approached me for a three days course brainwash to get my money.

He explained the brain wash methodology to get new recruits. They operate as a cult and scam.


I agree with you TCI over promises and under delivers and much of their course content is plagiarised.

SP has Trade Marked her critical thinking model and coaches have to credit TCI if they have done her Metta Dynamics training AKA NLP with SPs twist on it.

SPs critical thinking model is a combination of other NLP models, what SP has done is put them all under one umbrella and called the Critical thinking or ESIP

I heard one of her Mastermind group say she's out of control and has some big issues especially around money

Annie S Wil
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1160811

Please, please, please everyone that’s upset, contact Annie or Max, we have the Media onside and I need everyone’s stories, I’m not TCI, be anonymous if need be. All confidential. Spread the word and pass on my email....kydalla@***.com.au

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Gerrit Fcr

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| map-marker Melbourne, Victoria


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full


THIS PLACE IS A CROCK POT AND A HALF! When I questioned their integrity I was told it was MY sceptical mindset that needed to change and I was the reason for not enjoying the experience - I was gaslight from the moment I started at TCI!

Brainwashed cult leaders capitalising off vulnerable people who actually want to help others. Cookie cutter coaching methods copied, copied, copied. By far the worst company Ive ever dealt with!

A literal joke! These guys should not be allowed to practice!

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Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: DO NOT SIGN UP

Jonathon Pgm

Hi, I feel exactly the same about TCI in what you have described. I have been attempting to get refunds with no luck after being played around with for months and realised that it's a waste of time.

I want to lodge a VCAT or complain to education ombudsman. Was wondering if you had any luck recovering your funds and which way you went about it?

reply icon Replying to comment of Jonathon Pgm

Go to the media or tell them you are going to the media with a number of other people who they also haven’t paid. You’ll get your money back

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map-marker Melbourne, Victoria

I did the certificate. I was at the time looking for something to fulfill me. A lot of very skilled up selling from the start. They did not like to be questioned on anything and put you down if you dd

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I had a lot of hope. Scared by the prices and upselling but felt compelled.

A high focus on what money you could make. When questioned about people who needed help but couldnt afford told well that is thete problem. A fellow student with cancer was told it was her fault she got it. A lot of shallow jargon.

Not empathetic at all.

All money!! I felt worthless

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User's recommendation: Dont sign up.

map-marker Brisbane, Queensland

Previous member

Dont sign up. Its just good marketing but besides that you will loose a lot of money.

You will learn some things but you can find the same content with some other coaching body for much much cheaper. And for any extra training it costs thousands again .

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Hilary B Wpd

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Beware of these people - trying to get a refund is exhausting and demeaning.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Beware of these people - trying to get a legitimate refund, which I'm fully entitled to, has been exhausting and demeaning. Taken months.

Utterly disgusted.

They appear to care when you're signing up, but the refund process tells you otherwise. People who have left will tell you it is a horrible place to work for this very reason.

I've been given the run around, 7 hand-offs so far - for months.

Disappointed and disgusted. So far not seeing any integrity.

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  • Are great at sales and marketing
  • Will not honour refund policy
  • Run around and hand-offs with communication for months
  • Lack of integrity

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Beware of these people - do not hand over your money!

1 comment
Hilary B Wpd

It gets worse...they finally agreed and said they'd pay, took my bank details, nothing came in, an excuse, repeated promises and acting as if it had gone wrong or gone in but went missing. Seriously they were just continually yanking my chain.

They will never know the stress this caused at one of the most challenging times of my life. These people are pure evil. Handed over to 3rd party collectors. No one should get away with this.

Its abusive and especially sticks in the throat since they continually bleat about values and integrity. It is disgusting!!

map-marker Melbourne, Victoria


I worked behind the scenes as a technician a few years ago , witnessed there call centre manipulating customers anyway they could to squeeze money out of the client , you name it laying down guilt trips , asking clients to to borrow from there parents , these are very cunning people who know how to pull your strings , avoid at all cost! They target the vulnerable , I noted they even had a white board with $$$$$$$ targeted sales More more , these people are in it to milk you all they can , a classic conversation I heard was a client telling the consultant they were not interested in the next level of there brain wash session , the sales consultant replied how disapointed they were and had spent so much of there valuable time on them , yukkkkkkkkkk!

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Its a cult. They must be stopped. A class action is happening register with Annie or Max.....kydalla@***.com....

Annie S Wil

I need to hear everyone’s stories!! The Media is interested and need as much info as possible!! Contact Max or Annie......kydalla@***.com.au......


I heard SP come into the office one day, Sales were down, she yelled at the top of her voice "Where is my ****** MONEY!!!"...... True story.... Keep away from them if you value yourself.

Annie S Wil
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-863352

Send me a line.....kydalla@***.com.au.....instagram...angrytcistudents.......


TCI have this new program called' disruptive leadership'. My suspicion is that our current government uses it.

I d be not surprised. TCI is more powerful than anyone can think.


Their meta dynamics is just a nicely wrapped up manipulation and brainwashing program to attract students so they can brainwash the general population. They all about money no matter if the person can afford it or not.


I think we need to spread the word that this school is about manipulation and brainwashing to warn other people. They are also know as Shajor pty ltd.

And currently they sue their former employee in spite of the fact that they preach that there is no point fighting for justice and government agencies are unreliable.

They definitely provide students with lots of contradicting information so they are easily manipulated. There is no point arguing with them as they will distort generalise and delete your information.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-806388

Talking about manipulation I noticed they play these games to get a reaction from people. I suppose that is the method they use to figure a person out.

They are extremely cunning. and since they have psychology background they know exactly how to act and what words to use to see what the person is all about

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Adrian S Uvh

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Ripped off , money stolen

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I attended a hyped up presentation. I was persuaded by an over zealous sales person who offered me a free trial of a product.

The product was never delivered .

There was no invoice , no confirmation, email , no link to where it could be accessed. In fact zero communication. 4 weeks later I am being billed $155 with out authority from me. Not having reviewed or trialled the product.

I am $800 in debt and rising .

TCI strategy is to keep me on hold or transfer me to another section . E.g. Admin to wow team , wow team to accounts . The issue is avoided and not resolved.

I have no access to the free trial thats cost me $800 so far. No resolution.

They dont invoice properly, dont receipt properly. No onboarding process .

No Normal business practices happen at TCI.

Feels like scam . Service Delivery is poor.

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  • Unscrupulous tactics
  • Manipulated
  • Upselling
  • Money grabbing
  • Traps and tricks

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Don’t go for anything free . Beware of salesmen

map-marker Cast, Brittany

Long overdue

I signed up with the coaching institute about 7 years ago. It is a Ponsi scheme cult.

They are effective, unscrupulous marketers. They believe their own lies. Entirely distasteful experience.

I lost over $10k on their rubbish materials. Was a good lesson and inoculation.

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User's recommendation: Steer clear: ponsi scheme cult


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Verified Reviewer

Non-communication, Rediculously high fees, no fee disclosure

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
The Coaching Institute - Non-communication, Rediculously high fees, no fee disclosure
Explore video interviews

Currently, fighting this company through Consumer Affairs because of their Breach of Duty of Care. Fees are ridiculous, they take advantage of vulnerable people and all they do is try and dig up your fears.

If youve gotten over your fears, why did it up again.

Total brainwashing scam. If anyone else has gone through Consumer Affairs with this mob, Id love to hear about it.

View full review
  • Unscrupulous tactics
  • Are great at sales and marketing
  • Manipulated
  • Unreasonable fees
  • Take advantage of vulnerable people
  • Emotional manipulation

Preferred solution: Price reduction

User's recommendation: If you want to be a coach, there are better more honest companies to look at. Don’t join this one.

Ayleen Yhk

Also, did you click on the terms and conditions agreement that they force you to click on without reading it?


I guess is all about "PERSPECTIVE" everyone learns and UNDERSTANDS differently, so some see it in a wrong way.. or ...

point of view ,if you will. Takes a dedicated to self-awareness and helpfulness. THIS DID ME GREAT. I still am with The Coaching Institute..


TY Sincerely, j.f. Jo F

Larisha Dqy

Hi Selena, are you still reading these comments? Just wondering what the outcome at VCAT was?

reply icon Replying to comment of Larisha Dqy

Hi. The out come was good.

VCAT said to use their email template and send another email outlining their misdemeanours.

TCI said that I’d hear from them but I haven’t heard anything. No one has chased me for any more money so I guess they dropped it

Larisha Dqy
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2003903

Hi, is there a way to contact you?

Larisha Dqy
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2003903

Hi, I'm a journalist and would like to get a bit more info if possible. Can you email me here?

blackwood21 (AT) protonmail . com (sorry for the weird gaps, don't think you can include an email if it's written normally)

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2003903

I actually found all their materials in a skip-bin. I kept the coaching folders, and in the process also stumbled across records of a lot of dodgy sales and multi-level marketing type stuff.

I assumed they'd closed down (that's why I thought everything was in a bin), now I wished I collected it all. As soon as I saw those scripts of the sales processes used I felt sick. It was definitely unethical and designed to target and trap vulnerable people.

I'm sorry to those who've paid for these courses. I do hope more people speaking out about this stuff helps protect people who are vulnerable.

Ayleen Yhk
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2003903

Hi Selena, I am having trouble with TCI. Is there any way of contacting you?

I want to ask you about the misdemeanours, etc.

They're trying to sting me for excess money now that I want to downgrade even though I haven't touched any higher learning content. I was very fragile when they pushed me to upgrade...

reply icon Replying to comment of Ayleen Yhk

I went through consumer affairs in VIC. Just google their contact info and call them.

They walked me through what to do.

From there on when ever I heard from them I just referred them back to consumer affairs. I haven’t been harassed ever since

Ayleen Yhk
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2003903

Thank you for responding! I really appreciate it Is there any chance you can contact me via email?

I just want to get some advice off of this public forum...and ask re.

The misdemeanours you experienced? If so, I will give you an email address to write to?

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Jo F Rdl

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Verified Reviewer

Positive Feedback

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have followed Sharon Pearson when she first began was 2005 I was a workaholic then,so I never dedicated fully but was still online and sitting on summits. I worked and lived a life I took as fulfilling and happy.

Partly yes I was, so I worked lived and did the TCI here and there .

So bringing us to today.August 2021 And I am now BETTER for Sharon Pearson and TCI I was very suicidal after being told I can no longer work. So I set my site on trying to LIVE And it was because OF TCI I amalive

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  • Services all good
  • Know their stuff
  • Awesome connection
  • I am unable to attend tci grounds

Preferred solution: My testimonial for the company I believe in. Is Sharon’s and Matt Lavar who I connected with and All years pain,suffering (60 yrs April) All I went through no one was able to help.yet Today I am here and ALIVE I Owe TCI. I am very Grateful thank you.

User's recommendation: It works if You Want it too. All about you and how you handle and deal.

map-marker Melbourne, Victoria

Unethical behaviour

TCI use manipulation, hypnotherapy and hone in on your limiting beliefs to use it to their advantage. They over promise something they can not deliver and when they are unable to deliver what you have paid for they tell you that it is your fault. The resources that and produced are out dated and their so called intellectual property actually comes from other people who actually designed the information. They cause a lot of upset and anguish.

If you want to be ripped off and get nothing for your money, want to be a follower of unethical behaviour this is the place for you.

ASQA have been investigating them for around 2 years now and for some reason they seem to be getting away with it. There are hundreds of pissed of ex students that will not go and seek their money back because they are bullies. They use the threat of lawyers to scare people off.

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As a well experienced NLP Practitioner, I came to TCI to learn the business behind coaching.

In the Intake session they used a pile of simple techniques to influence people.

All the intake/foundation weekends are full of NLP to extract cash.

No wonder ABNLP and the ICF rejected TCI.

I really like to know how the law suits / refunds are going.

Karlene Ttm
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-891195

Hello, how do I contact you? I am a disgruntled ex student.


I need to agree that it is the MOST UNETHICAL school I have ever attended. They erode any empathy in you and cover it up with funding charities...

Just disgusting nothing more nothing less...


Hi there,

Listen to this : every ... mean every words that is said is an direct and INDIRECT command for you to subscribe.

This is a skill, not everyone can do that ... language patterns and indirect commands are all in place to make you subscribe ... and of course it works !! this is selling guys, and it's working!

Do you need some examples?

"Hear" instead of 'Here' ... your mind unconsciously pay more attention because of this simple word ambiguity

"I really got inspired" ... well with the right voice intonation this is a command GOT INSPIRED... "That’s what I love about these techniques" ...

who is loving what? ... your mind has to process the idea of loving these techniques to understand the sense ... so instantly ...you have it in your mind "It's not right for you" ...

RIGHT FOR YOU! .. in fact.. the "It's not" lower your guard ...

but still gives you the idea ! ...try it ...say anything after "it's not" ... it's not about business, it's not about making money, it's not about manipulation lol ... it's not making sense ..

or is it?

... well surely something to learn hear ;)


Yes they are extremely unethical and racist as well.

At one of the webinar the mentor said that there is no point coaching migrants as they have no money.

When you listen carefully what they say between the lines it is shocking.

They turn people into heartless zombies with dollar signs in their eyes.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-829948

Yes they are a bunch of very sick people. I have never come across that kind of bullying behaviour in any other school especially pushing people who obviously have not got much money to do more courses.

Anyway they favour anyone with lots of dough not matter how disturbed and psychotic they are.

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map-marker Chisholm, Australian Capital Territory

Misleading and manipulative sales of education

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Sales consultants pose as providing a free coaching session and then pressure people to purchase their education package with false promises of unrealistic income.

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User's recommendation: Do not believe their promises of a high income earning business. The successful coaches they show in the videos are fake

1 comment

Is only your PERCEPTION of the call. you can say NO!

I have been following TCI and found I DO NOT do what I do not want too. Including listen to the sales pitches.. I purchase the resources of what is useful and helps me. I Attend the Summits and other Webinars WHEN I WANT too.

I have purchased and have used a lot of these resources, they HAVE HELPED me. And I am grateful. They send a link and you can either go or not AND if you purchased the course then Be diligent in your READING of the Rules & Regulations,, MAYBE research BEFORE HAND I DO...

Try not STRESS yourself,, and things can benefit everyone. TY for letting me post.



The Coaching Institute is a school of coaching based in Australia and founded in 2005. It is intended to achieve goals in the coach career and personal development. The Coaching Institute gives possibility to take career based upon a remote training as well as a stationary training. The school has its own online coaching portal where learning plans, assessment schedule and events calendar are presented. The educational establishment provides different kinds of coaching, methodologies and certified programs. The Coaching Institute has its own support network and a huge Facebook group community. It teaches students, coaches and public members all over the world. The school has assisted over 4000 people.

The Coaching Institute reviews and complaints

The Coaching Institute is ranked 320 out of 1947 in Education category

Area Served

Australia, Canada

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